
Saturday, March 19, 2011

toe to toe with bethenny frankel...

i'm not a big proponent of advertising or endorsing, but there are a few things i will put my stamp of approval on:

a nice pair of designer jeans,
victoria's secret underwear,


'bethenny ever after'.

i hate to state the obvious, but we share the same name (with a slight variation), both have one baby, have the exact same post baby body (just kidding - that woman's body 2 weeks after giving birth was SICK! granted, her little peanut was all of about 5 lbs and mine was 9), and definitely have the same husband.

jason hoppy and larry mattacchione are the same man split between two bodies.  the similarities between my life and hers are uncanny.  i wish i was as motivated and filthy rich, but the plain truth is watching her, her emotions, her interaction with her husband, her talks with her shrink, and her dealings with her in-laws have me laughing and crying at the same rate. 

i love them together.  while she was the one with the fame and fortune before they met, she truly allows him to be himself and be her partner and i love that.  i love how dry and sarcastic she is while jason is sweet and kind and understanding.  i love that she is a mouthpiece for breastfeeding and raised awareness on how unbelievably hard it can be.  i cried when, in the first season, she was exhausted and overly emotional and raw while she tried to get bryn to nurse in the first few days of her life.  i love how they talk through her lunacy and can both recognize the madness of it all.  i love how she comes from small and he comes from large family settings and she is smothered at times.  i love how they have to learn that the only family they have now are bryn, jason, and bethenny and everyone else is "family of origin".  THEY ARE ME and i l-o-v-e them.

that is all.


  1. I watched the show for the first time a few weeks ago and two things came to mind: 1. I could totally see myself getting addicted to this show and 2. She reminds me of Bethany!

    Miss you and hope to see you soon

  2. Hi, there! I'm Rachel! I found your blog through Amber's Articles. I was so excited to see a post about reality television- I am definately an addict.

    What's funny is that I was going to do a post about Bethany Every After this week as well, because after watching a couple episodes Monday (for the first time) I was inspired to say a couple things about it. First of all, my mother loves that show, and many of my friends do as well. B

    ut apparently I'm missing something?

    My impression was that Bethany is very frenzied and self-centered??? Spoken from a frenzied and self-centered girl, but anyway. I didn't think she was all that endearing...

    Obviously I need to watch more of the show to "get it", which I will : )

    Thanks for the post!
